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Postdoctoral Research position is available at Columbia University Irving Medical Center,

Department of Psychiatry, New York, NY.


We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral fellow to join our group. We are looking for an individual with experience in the study of Alzheimer’s disease, neural circuits, behavior, and/or computational modeling.


Our laboratory’s overall goals are to study what goes wrong in Alzheimer’s disease at the circuit level during learning and memory. Specifically, we image neuronal ensembles in the hippocampus during spatial navigation and memory tasks using two-photon calcium imaging. Furthermore, using simultaneous calcium imaging and optogenetics, we aim to determine the causal link between neuronal ensembles and learning and memory.


Applicants should have a Ph.D. or M.D. in neuroscience or related field. An ideal candidate should be enthusiastic about collaborative and interdisciplinary research, productive, and highly motivated to develop as an independent scientist. Previous experience in data analysis & computational modeling, imaging, or behavioral techniques is preferred.


Interested candidates should contact Dr. Jae-eun Miller (jkm2149@cumc.columbia.edu) to provide a CV and three references

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