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1. 2021년 2월, 8월 졸업대상자에 대한 학·석·박사 학위논문 제출일정 및 작성요령

    을 붙임과 같이 안내하오니 업무에 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.


 2. 아울러 석·박사 학위논문 템플릿을 첨부하오니, 소속학과 학생들이 논문 작성 시

    참고하도록 안내하여 주시기 바랍니다.




붙 임: 1. 학위논문 심사 및 제출일정(국·영문) 각 1부.

       2. 석·박사 학위논문 작성요령(국·영문) 각 1부.

       3. 석·박사 학위논문 템플릿(한글, MS-Word, Latex) 각 1부.끝.



1. Please find attached “Schedule of Completion and Submission of Dissertations”and “Guidelines on Completion and Submission of Master’s and Doctoral Dissertations” for prospective graduates of Feb. and Aug. 2021. 



2. We also have attached templates for master’s and doctoral dissertations. Each department is requested to instruct students to use them as the basis for dissertation submissions.



Attachment: 1. Schedule of Completion and Submission of Dissertations (Korean, English)

                     2. Guidelines on Completion and Submission of Dissertation (Korean, English)

                     3. Templates for Master’s & Doctoral Dissertations (Hangul, MS-Word, Latex). End.



(In the event of misinterpretation arising from cultural differences, the original text in Korean shall take precedence over the English translation.) 



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