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20202월 학위수여식 행사 안내문



1. 일시 : 2020. 2. 21(), 12:3016:30

2. 장소 : 류근철 스포츠컴플렉스(N3)

3. 대상 : 20198월 졸업자 및 20202월 졸업예정자


4. 유의사항   

1) 대기장소

o 학사 : 정문술 빌딩(E16)

o 석사 : 대강당(E15)

o 박사 : 인문사회과학부 시청각실(N4)

2) 대기장소 집결시간

o 12:3013:00까지 졸업생 대기장소에 오셔서 출석 체크를 받은 후 행렬입장 준비에

협조하여 주시기 바랍니다.

o 출석체크가 안된 졸업생은 단상에서 학위기를 받을 수 없습니다.

3) 학위수여식 참석여부 통보

o 신청방법 : 학사시스템 졸업관리시스템 졸업정산보고서 입력내용 중

학위수여식 참석여부선택 후 저장

o 제출기한 : 20191231()까지

20202월 졸업예정자 중 제출기한 이후 학위수여식 참석여부 변경은 2020110()까지 학생지원팀(이주영, jylee15@kaist.ac.kr)으로 별도 연락 후 변경가능(이후 변경불가)

20198월 졸업자의 학위수여식 참석여부는 졸업시점에 제출된 졸업정산보고서 입력내용 기준으로 학생지원팀에서 별도 조사예정(201912월 중순20201월초)

o 유의사항

- 학위수여식 참석여부를 참석으로 제출한 학생만 학위수여식 행사장 단상에서 학위기

수여가 가능합니다.

(학위수여식 미참석 또는 졸업정산보고서 미제출자는 행사장에 참석할 수 없습니다.)

행사 시간은 12:30부터 16:30까지이며 행사 중간에 퇴장은 불가 함.

4) 졸업생 학위복 대여 및 반납

o 학위복 대여 : 2020. 2.18()2.20(), 10:0017:00

o 학위복 반납 : 2020. 2.21() 19:00까지, 2.22() 10:0012:00

o 학위복 대여료 납부기간 : 2020. 2.17()2.20()

o 장 소 : 학사 학생회관(N12) 학사지역 매점건물 2(세탁소 옆

o 학위복 대여료 : 10,000

o 학위복 대여료 입금구좌 : 우체국, 312512-01-000015 (예금주 : 한국과학기술원)

o 대여시 확인사항 : 졸업생 학번 및 성명, 입금내역, 참석가족현황(졸업생 제외)


- 학위복 대여료는 반드시 졸업생 본인 명의로 입금하여야 함

- 학위복 대여시 입금내역 또는 입금화면을 확인함

- 대리 수령 가능, 행사 당일은 학위복을 대여하지 않음.

5) 포털 시스템상 현 주소지 확인 및 정정

o 졸업식 안내 우편물 발송을 위해 시스템에 등록된 주소지를 확인하시고 현주소지로

정정하여 주시기 바랍니다.(201912월 말까지 변경)

6) 전문연구요원 관련사항

o 의무복무기간이 남아있는 졸업생은 3개월 이내 학생지원팀에서 당연전직에 필요한

안내를 받으시기 바랍니다.

[졸업생 가족]

1) 오후 130분까지(행사 30분전) 학위수여식장에 입장하셔서 졸업생들이행렬 입장할때

박수로 축하해 주시기 바랍니다.

2) 학위수여식 행사는 스포츠컴플렉스(N3)에서 진행하며 행사장에 입장하지 못한 가족분들은

대강당(E15)에 마련된 스크린을 통해서 행사실황을 시청 하실수 있습니다.

3) 입장권은 학위복 대여장소에서 배부하되 행사장 수용인원을 감안하여 졸업생당 2매를

배부하고 추가로 요청시에는 대여장소에서 검토후 추가배부 여부를 결정 할 예정입니다.


[졸업식 행사 문의] 학생지원팀 21622166








Notice for 2020 Commencement Ceremony


1. Date/Time : Feb. 21 (Friday), 2020, 12:30~16:30

2. Place : Lyu Keun-Chul Sports Complex (N3)

3. Participants : Those who graduated in Aug. 2019 or are expected to graduate in Feb. 2020


4. Instructions for participants   

1) Waiting area

o Candidates for Bachelor’s degree : Chung Moon Sool B/D (E16)

o Candidates for Master’s degree : Auditorium(E15)

o Candidates for Doctoral degree : A/V Room, School of Humanities & Social Science B/D(N4)

2) Time to arrive at the waiting place

o Graduates are to arrive at the waiting area between 12:30 and 13:00, and inform the relevant personnel of their arrivals.

o Only graduates who have notified their attendance of the commencement ceremony are allowed to receive their degrees on stage.

3) Notification of attendance at Degree Conferral Ceremony

o How to notify : Academic system Graduation management system Please select “attendance” or “non-attendance” at the degree conferral ceremony in the clearance form and save it.

o Deadline for submission : Dec. 31 (Tue.), 2019

Students who have changed their mind about attending the ceremony after Dec. 31, 2019 are advised to contact the Student Affairs Team (Joo-young Lee, jylee15@kaist.ac.kr) by Jan. 10, 2020. (It is not allowed to change afterwards.)

In relation to attendance of the students who graduated in Aug. 2019, the Student Affairs Team will contact the students separately based on the input of the clearance form. (from mid-December 2019 to early January 2020)

o Note

- In relation to attendance in the ceremony, only those students who have checked “attendance” in the clearance form are allowed to receive their degrees on the stage during the ceremony.

(Those who have checked “non-attendance” or failed to submit the clearance form are not allowed to attend the ceremony.)

The ceremony is expected to start at 12:30 and end at 16:30; leaving early during the ceremony is not allowed.

4) Graduation Gown Rental and Return

o Graduation gown rental period : Feb. 18 (Tue.)Feb. 20 (Thurs.), 2020, 10:0017:00

o Period for return : By Feb. 21 (Fri.) 19:00/ Feb.22 (Sat.) 10:0012:00

o Period for payment of rental fee : Feb. 17 (Mon.)Feb. 20 (Thurs.), 2020

o Place for graduation gown rental/return : 2nd floor of the store building in the undergraduate area of the Student Center (N12) (next to the laundry) 

o Graduation gown rental fee : 10,000 won

o Account number for payment of rental fee : Post Office, 312512-01-000015 (account holder : Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 한국과학기술원)

o Matters to be checked when renting graduation gown : Student ID number and name, deposit details, attendance status of family (except graduates)



- Graduation gown rental fee must be paid in the name of the graduate without fail.

- When renting graduation gown, deposit slip or deposit screen shall be checked.

- Proxy pick-up of graduation gown is allowed; rental service is not available on the day of commencement.

5) Identification and correction of present address on Portal system

o For dispatch of mails concerning commencement, graduates are advised to confirm the address registered in the Portal system and change it to the present address by the end

of December, 2019.


6) Matters concerning expert research personnel

o Graduates whose compulsory expert research personnel service period has not expired are advised to receive guidance on pertinent procedure to take from the Student Affairs Team within three months.

[Information for Families and Friends]

1) Families and friends are requested to arrive at the arena by 13:30 (30 minutes prior to the ceremony start time) and greet graduates with applauses when they enter the arena.

2) Those who have failed to gain admission to the arena (N3) are able to watch the ceremony on a screen at the Main Auditorium (E15).

3) Admission tickets are distributed at the site (place for graduation gown rental); each graduate is guaranteed two guest tickets; as for request for additional guest tickets, decision shall be made at the site in consideration of the circumstances at that time.


[Commencement Inquiries ] Student Affairs Team Ext. 21622166



Associate Vice President of Student Affairs & Policy

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