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청산보고서 제출안내

20162월 졸업예정자 청산보고서 제출안내 드립니다.

20162월 졸업예정자께서는 청산보고서를 아래와 같이 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

1. 청산보고서 제출

o 제출대상 : 20162월 졸업예정자

o 제출기한 : 201615() 까지

o 제출처 : 졸업예정자는 해당 학과(전공) 행정실로 제출


졸업 후 진로 상황 기재 등 양식에 빠짐없이 기재 후 청산확인을 받으신 후 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.

청산보고서는 학생들이 졸업 전에 학교와 관련된 사안을 종결하는 것을 확인하는 것으로 졸업생은 반드시 제출하여야 합니다.


2. 청산보고서 양식 : 별첨

위험물청산보고서는 해당자에 한하여 소속 학과(전공)의 안전담당 선생님께 제출

3. 학위기 수령

o 학위기 수여는 20162월 학위수여식 행사 시 개별 수여 예정임.

o 다만, 졸업식 불참자에 한하여 201632() 이후부터 학생지원팀(또는 학과 사무실)에서 학위기 교부 예정.

4. 문의 : 학생지원팀 (T.2165)


Announcement for Final Report Submission

Final Report Submission for students those who are expecting to graduate this coming February 2016. If you are expecting to graduate this coming February 2016, please submit the final report as follow.

1. Final Report Submission

o Whom to submit: Students who are expecting to graduate this coming February 2016

o Deadline for submission: Tuesday, January 5, 2016

o Where to submit: Department Office

Please fill out all information including Post-Graduation Career and make sure to get all the sign from offices on the clearance checklist.

Final report submission is mandatory for all the students those who are expecting to graduate because this document clearing all the related matter with university.

Should notify your intention to attend the Commencement or not.

2. Final Report Form: Attached

Final Statement for Hazardous Substances and Experiment Equipment is applies for students those who are dealing with it. Once you complete the form, please submit it to safety officer in your department office.

3. Receipt of Diploma

o Diploma will be present to graduates individually during the commencement ceremony 2016

o If you are unable to participate commencement, you can receive your diploma from Student Affairs Team(or Department Office) after Wednesday, March 2, 2016

4. For more inquiry: Student Affairs Team (T. 2165)

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