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Postdoctoral Associate positions are available


Location: Dr. Yong Kim’s Lab (Associate Professor, Dept. of Neurosurgery, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; Rutgers Brain Health Institute, Rutgers University), located in the staged research building in Piscataway/Bush Campus, New Jersey


Research Area: Molecular and cellular studies of brain cells’ compensatory or repair mechanisms in response to brain injury or risk factors of neurodegenerative diseases or psychiatric disorders. Particularly, the Lab will focus on identification of key molecular factors in vascular endothelial cells or oligodendrocytes and their roles in the control of neuronal activity, survival and circuit homeostasis, using cell type-specific approaches.


Required Qualifications: Ph.D. degree for biomedical or biological science with high motivation toward basic neuroscience research. Candidates must have strong research background at least one of the following research areas: Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (particularly, studies of brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases or psychiatric disorders), Behavioral studies using rodent models, Genomics, Proteomics, Molecular Biology or/and Cell Biology.


Preferred research techniques/approaches: Basic molecular biology or biochemistry techniques for the studies of DNA, RNA or/and protein. Gene-editing techniques or viral vector construction. Tissue culture techniques (experience with cell lines, primary neurons, oligodendrocytes or endothelial cells). Mouse handling and characterization of transgenic mouse models including dissection of brain regions, surgical techniques including stereotaxic injection, immunohistochemistry or FISH of brain tissue or/and RNAseq or sc/snRNAseq.


How to apply: Please send the following documents directly to Dr. Yong Kim (kimyo@rockefeller.edu): (1) cover letter with a brief statement of research background and interest, (2) CV and (3) a list of three professional references with contact information.

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