KAIST 생명과학과동창회
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안녕하세요?  KAIST 글로벌사업기획센터입니다. 


KAIST 학생들을 대상으로 2022 글로벌 (미국 Silicon Valley, LA, Irvine 등 소재) 스타트업 인턴십 잡페어 참가자를 모집하고 있습니다. 

스타트업 대표님 및 채용담당자들과 1:1로 대화를 나눠볼 수 있는 좋은 기회이오니, 글로벌 인턴십에 관심있는 분들의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다 :) 



★Event: The first 30 students who submit this survey and attend the event will receive a mobile coffee coupon.

Click the poster or scan the QR code to see the program details and make a reservation :-)


 Global Startup Internship Fair_poster.jpg



2022 Global Startup Internship Fair (GSIF)


The Center for Global Strategies and Planning (GSP) at KAIST is organizing a global internship fair for KAIST students interested in obtaining a global entrepreneurial mindset and hands-on experience for their own startup company to be established in the future. This event offers on- and offline group and/or 1:1 meeting opportunities with startup CEOs and/or Co-founders in the U.S. The program also includes sessions on how to write cover letter, CV, and email to global startup companies and how to apply for a J-1 visa, and a special panel discussion with KAIST students who have worked as an intern in Silicon Valley, US.



Objectives of 2022 GSIF

The aims and objectives of this event are to help the students realize their potential and to support their journey to be global entrepreneurs in the future. This event bridges KAIST students and global startup companies in the United States. 


KAIST students, including pre-startup entrepreneurs and students interested in global entrepreneurship (Reservation required).


Key Dates

l  Reservation (On-line): October 24~November 11, 2022

l  Additional Reservation (On-line): November 21~28, 2022

l  Event: November 30~December 1, 2022


Program and Reservation

l  [Click here

카푸치노Event: The first 30 students who submit this survey and attend this event will receive a mobile coffee coupon.


Tentative Program Schedule 






Nov. 30


Company Group Talk (Online)

Startup CEOs or Recruiters


Lunch Talk (Off-line)

Sungwon Lim



Panel Discussion: Navigating Silicon Valley Internship

Student Panels





Dinner Talk (Off-line)

Startup CEO

Dec. 1


Company Group Talk and 1:1 Consulting (Online)

Startup CEOs or Recruiters


How to write cover letter, cv, and email

Bong Joon Jung



How to begin a life in Silicon Valley



Company Group Talk & 1:1 Consulting (Off-line)



Session for J-1 Visa




Inquiries: Ms. Yeseon Kim, Center for Global Strategies and Planning, KAIST
T. 042-350-2115 | E. 

List of Articles
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