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김재현 박사과정 학생, 이승희 교수 J.Neurosci. 게재 (2016.05)

Selectivity of Neuromodulatory Projections from the Basal Forebrain and Locus Ceruleus to Primary Sensory Cortices.

Jae-Hyun Kim, A-Hyun Jung, Daun Jeong, Ilsong Choi, Kwansoo Kim, Soowon Shin, Sung June Kim, and Seung-Hee Lee

Acetylcholine을 분비하는 basal forebrainnoradrenaline을 분비하는 locus ceruleus에서

sensory cortex로 향하는 신경 회로망의 상이한 projection pattern 규명.

Basal forebraincholinergic neuron들은 감각 양상 특이적인 selective projection pattern을 보이는 반면, locus ceruleusnoradrenergic neuron들은 여러 감각 영역으로 동시에 diverging하는 projection pattern을 보임을 dual retrograde tracing optogenetic technique을 통해 해부학적, 전기생리학적으로 연구한 논문.

Jae-Hyun Kim and Prof. Seung-Hee Lee published article at J. Neurosci. (2016.05)

Selectivity of Neuromodulatory Projections from the Basal Forebrain and Locus Ceruleus to Primary Sensory Cortices.

Jae-Hyun Kim, A-Hyun Jung, Daun Jeong, Ilsong Choi, Kwansoo Kim, Soowon Shin, Sung June Kim, and Seung-Hee Lee

The authors revealed specific projection pattern from acetylcholinergic neuron in basal forebrain and noradrenergic neuron in locus ceruleus to sensory cortex.

With optogenetic and electrophysiological methodologies, the paper shows that cholinergic neurons in basal forebrain project their projection as a sensory pattern specific manner, however, projections of noradrenergic neurons in locus ceruleus diverge into multiple sensory area.

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