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PIF1-Interacting Transcription Factors and Their Binding Sequence Elements Determine The In vivo Targeting Sites Of PIF1


Junghyun Kim, Hyojin Kang, Jeongmoo Park, Woohyun Kim, Janghyun Yoo, Nayoung Lee, Jaewook Kim,

Tae-young Yoon, Giltsu Choi*

Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Korea



전사인자 PIF1DNA결합특이성 분석을 통한 표적 메커니즘 연구

애기장대 광 신호전달에서 중요한 전사 인자인 PIF1in vivo DNA 결합 특이성이 PIF1이 결합하는 G-box외에도 G-box에 연계되어 나타나는 DNA 모티프 (GCEs, G-box coupling elements)PIF1 및 모티프에 결합하는 보조전사인자 (PTFs, PIF1-interacting transcription factors)에 의해 결정될 것이라는 가설을 세우고, 이를 정보학적 및 분자생물학적으로 증명하였다.

PIF1-Interacting Transcription Factors and Their Binding Sequence Elements Determine The In vivo Targeting Sites Of PIF1


Junghyun Kim, Hyojin Kang, Jeongmoo Park, Woohyun Kim, Janghyun Yoo, Nayoung Lee, Jaewook Kim,

Tae-young Yoon, Giltsu Choi*

Department of Biological Sciences, KAIST, Daejeon 34141, Korea

A research for target mechanism of transcription factor PIF1 via assaying DNA binding specificity

The author revealed that DNA binding specificity of PIF1 which plays important role in light-signal transduction of Arabidopsis determined by not only G-box, but G-box coupling elements (GCEs) and PIF1-interacting transcription factors.

The research has been performed with bioinformatic and molecular biological technique to prove the hypothesis.

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