Daesoo, Kim (김대수)
KAIST 뇌인지과학과 Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Behavioral Genetics Lab
Park, Young-gyun (박영균)
KAIST 바이오및공학과 Bio and Brain Engineering
Laboratory for neurotechnology and brain network mapping
Jimin, Lee (이지민)
KAIST 의과학대학원 Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering
Laboratory of Biomedical Epigenetic Engineering
Mi Hee Lim (임미희)
KAIST 화학과 Department of Chemistry
Center for MeralloNeuroProteinoChemistry
Chang, Jae-Byum (장재범)
KAIST 신소재공학과 Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Molecular Bioimaging and Molecular Biomimetics Laboratory