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Looking for a postdoctoral fellow


Introduction to Kim Lab:


The Kim Lab at Columbia University Irving Medical Center focuses on translational cancer and vascular biology with a goal of identifying mechanisms underlying the contribution of vascular abnormalities to 1) tumor immunity; 2) therapeutic efficacy of cancer drugs; and 3) progression of neurodegenerative diseases.


The Kim Lab is looking for a postdoctoral fellow who will work with on preclinical and translational studies based on various mouse tumor models and human specimens by using tools such as followings:


·         Immune profiling using flow cytometry or multiplex staining.

·         Single cell sequencing and analysis of tumors isolated from mice

·         Identification of vascular changes in mouse and human tissues using imaging system


These are experience preferred but not required.


Additional preferred qualifications of research area:

·         Experience in neurodegenerative diseases

·         Experience in cancer biology using mouse models

·         Experience in cancer immunology


Please send your cover letter and CV to mk4242@cumc.columbia.edu if you are interested in the position. We will contact potential candidates for following interview process after our review.







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