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[학부 연구생 모집 안내]

Biomedical Optics Lab. (PI: 물리학과 박용근 교수)에서 학부 연구생을 모집합니다.

홈페이지: https://bmokaist.wordpress.com/publications/

페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/bmolkaist


1. 연구 내용

선발된 학생들은 홀로그래피 측정 및 제어, 그리고 AI를 이용한 바이오 이미징 관련 연구 진행. 개별 프로젝트 리드, 1저자 논문 출판 목표. 프로젝트 예시:

(i) 3차원 홀로그래픽 현미경 기술 및 알고리즘 개발.  https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-022-01202-8, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566-021-00856-1

(ii) 3차원 홀로그래픽 현미경을 이용한 생물학 응용 연구 (면역항암, 줄기세포, 오가노이드 이미징), https://doi.org/10.1038/s41566-018-0253-x

(iii) 3차원 홀로그래픽 디스플레이 또는 산란 제어 광학 기기, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-20114-2, https://doi.org/10.1038/nphoton.2016.272

(iv) AI를 이용한 홀로그래피 현미경 영상 분석 및 처리. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41556-021-00802-x


2. 인원

최대 2명까지 선발 가능


3. 기간

2022 12월 초 시작, 방학 포함 최소 2학기 이상일정 조절 가능


4. 자격 요건

- 학부 2학년 이상

- 일주일에 최소 10시간 이상 연구에 참여 가능한 학생

- 배경 지식 (preferred but NOT REQUIRED): Optics, Basic Programming (MatLab, python), Cell Biology, Deep learning/machine learning.



이전 학부 연구생 실적:

이지영(물리), Biomedical Optics Express 2 1저자 논문 게재, 과학기술정보통신부 장관상, URP 최우수상, Annual Biophotonics Conference 최우수 포스터상

한승윤(물리), Biomedical Optics Express 1편 공동 1저자 논문 게재

조상연(화학), Trends in Biotechnology, Scientific Reports 1저자 표지논문 게재, 대한민국 인재상

장윤훈(물리), Optics Express 공동 1저자 논문 게재, URP 최우수상

윤혜옥(물리), Journal of Biomedical Optics 공동 1저자로 게재

이상윤(물리), URP 최우수상

박성하(물리), URP 최우수상

이서은(생명), 한국광학회 우수 논문상, Scientific Reports 저널에 공동저자로 논문 게재

조영주(물리), Nature Cell Biology, Optics Express, Scientific Reports, Science Advances 1저자로 논문 게재, 국제광학회 장학생, 대한민국인재상, 삼성전자 휴먼테크 논문대상

허준석(물리), Scientific Reports 1저자 논문 게재

양수아(생명), Cytometry 1저자 논문 게재, URP 최우수상

김경덕(물리), Scientific Reports, Optics Letters 1저자 논문 게재                                

이무성(물리), Scientific Reports 공동 1저자 논문 게재, 대한의용생체공학회 최우수 논문상

김도연(화학), Methods 1저자 논문 게재

송찬우(재료), URP 최우수상

유영진(물리), URP 우수상.

송진엽(물리), 한국물리학회 우수발표상


5. 지원&문의

영문 CV와 1-page essay를 chunghalee@kaist.ac.kr 로 보내주세요. (2022/11/18 마감)


6. 참고

- 학부 연구생은 월 50만원 지원 예정


[Recruiting undergraduate research students]

Biomedical Optics Lab (PI: Prof. YongKeun Park, Physics Department) is currently recruiting undergraduate research students.




1. Research topic

The students will work on independent research projects regarding holographic imaging, wavefront shaping, and bio-imaging using AI.

Potential projects:

(i) Development of 3D holographic microscopy and image processing algorithms

(ii) Biology studies using 3D holographic microscopy

(iii) 3D holographic display or wavefront shaping optics

(iv) image processing of holographic microscopy images using AI


2. Vacancies

Up to 2 positions


3. Term

Begins in early Dec, 2022.

At least two semesters including vacation - The schedule is negotiable


4. Requirements:

- sophomore or above

- students who can participate in research for at least 10 hours per week

- background (preferred but NOT REQUIRED): Optics, Basic Programming (MatLab, python), Cell Biology, Deep learning/machine learning.



Research achievements from previous undergraduate students: 

Ariel J. Lee (Physics), Biomedical Optics Express 1st author and shared 1st author, Minister Award from the Ministry of Science and ICT, URP Grand pix award Annual Biophotonics Conference best poster award,

SeungYun Han (Physics), Biomedical Optics Express shared 1st author

Sangyeon Cho (Chemistry), Sumin Kim (Physics), Trends in Biotechnology cover article, Scientific Reports, 1st author, Korea Young Talent Award

Yunhoon Jang (Physics), URP Excellent award & Optics Express, shared 1st author

HyeOk Yoon (Physics), Journal of Biomedical Optics, shared 1st author

Sangyoon Lee (Physics), URP Excellent award

Seong Ha Park (Physics), URP Excellent award

Seo Eun Lee (Biology) The best paper award from the conference of optical society of Korea, Scientific Reports, co-author

YoungJu Jo (Physics), URP Excellent award & Nature Cell Biology, Optics Express, Scientific Reports, Science Advances                                                                                                                                                      author, SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship, Korea Young Talent Award, Samsung Electronics Best Paper Award

Joonseok Hur (Physics), Scientific Reports, 1st author

Su-A Yang (Biology), Cytometry, 1st author, URP Grand award

KyungDuk Kim (Physics), Scientific Reports, Optics Letters under revision (provisional acceptance)

Lee Moosung (Physics), Scientific Reports, 1st author, KSMBE best paper award.

Doyeon Kim (Chemistry), Methods, 1st author

Chanwoo Song (Material Science & Engineering), URP Grand pix award

Youngjin Yoo (Physics), URP Excellent award

Jinyeop Song(Physics), KPS Best presentation award


5. Applications or Inquiries

Send your CV and 1-page essay to chunghalee@kaist.ac.kr, no later than 18 Nov 2022


6. Additional Information

Undergraduate research students will be paid 500,000 won/month.



List of Articles
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