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Postdoctoral Associate positioning is available in the lab of Dr. Jihye Yun in the Department of Molecular and Human Genetics at Baylor College of Medicine   

Lab homepage: https://staryunlab.com

The goal of our laboratory is to identify dietary factors that can affect tumorigenesis and understand the molecular basis for the relationship between diet and colorectal cancer using preclinical model systems. Toward this end, we will use genetically engineered mouse models (GEMM), ex-vivo 3D organoid co-culture systems, and patient or mouse-derived organoid transplantation models. Furthermore, we have the integrative and systematic ‘-omics’ approaches using state-of-the-art techniques such as metabolomics and next-generation sequencing. Ultimately, we seek to develop and discover novel strategies to prevent and treat colorectal cancer and other types of cancer by understanding the role of diet in cancer, which we believe can have a positive impact on society directly and immediately.


1) Ph.D. (or Ph.D. candidates) holder

2) Preferred research experience fields: cancer metabolism, cancer biology, cell biology, immunology and/or stem cell biology

3) Enthusiastic about collaborative and interdisciplinary research, be intelligent, creative and highly motivated to develop as an independent scientist


To apply, please send the following materials to Jihye yun (jihye.yun@bcm.edu)

1.      Cover letter that describes what you did, career goals, and why you are interested in applying for the Yun laboratory.

2.     CV with publication records

3.     Name, relations and contact information for three references

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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