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Systems Biologist (시스템 생물학/생물정보학 분야) 채용 [㈜스탠다임]

 Standigm applies cutting-edge Al technologies to drug discovery. Al, biology and pharmacology experts team up to build real-world

Al models for new chemical entity discovery. Standigm has a full stack proprietary Al platform specialized in small molecules covering

from target discovery and molecular design to lead optimization, expanding its capability into biologics discovery. Standigm has active

internal and collaborative drug discovery pipelines in disease areas such as cancers, Parkinson's disease (PD), autism, fatty liver diseases

(NASH), mitochondria disease, infectious diseases and more.

Position 담당업무 지원자격

System Biologist,


  • 생물학 정보의 해석 및 처리
  • 알고리즘 및 프로그램 설계
 박사 및 박사후 연구원



1. 담당업무

a. Design and support of data/network/ modeling, integration and management, along with associated computational and

   machine/deep learning environments for systems biology research 

b. Analyze large biological data sets to build accurate predictive models of biological processes and publish original work 

c. Demonstrated scientific understanding of systems biology and diverse Omics data types and analysis tools 

d. Collaborate with internal and external researchers to analyze and interpret novel results using newly derived methods



2. 지원자격

생물학/바이오정보학/생물화학공학 또는 이와 관련된 분야의 박사학위 소지자



3. 근무지

a. 서울, 강남구

4. 제출서류
a. Curriculum Vitae
5. 연봉
a. 경력에 따라 협의
6. 채용담당자
a. apply@standigm.com


List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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148 [KT AIVLE School] KT AIVLE School (에이블스쿨) 4기 모집(~06/16(금)) file 생명과학과 2023.05.22 239
147 [존슨앤드존슨] [2024 여름 인턴십 채용 (~5/19) file 생명과학과 2024.05.03 238
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145 Open Research Positions - Laboratory of Cancer Ecology and Genomics (University of Michigan) file 생명과학과 2023.03.07 238
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130 [Post-Doc] Epigenetic Inheritance and Cancer Epigenetics at Columbia University Irving Medical Center file 생명과학과 2023.12.06 162
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