2012 가을학기 교과목 개설 안내
1. 교과목명 : 고급생명공학(BS554)
2. 강의시간 : 월, 수 13:00-14:30
3. 강의실 : 생명과학과 2203호
4. 담당교수 : 김정회 교수
5. 비고 : 학.대학원 상호인정
6. Summary
Application of cell physiology and engineering principles to bio
technology process of practical importance to exploit the
activity of cells at maximum. Selected topics will include renew
able resources, metabolic engineering related to primary and
secondary metabolites and other biologically active substances,
and biotransformation. In addition, selected current topics will
be introduced and discussed in viewpoint of biotechnological
processes. Students are required to present a term paper
1. 교과목명 : 고급생명공학(BS554)
2. 강의시간 : 월, 수 13:00-14:30
3. 강의실 : 생명과학과 2203호
4. 담당교수 : 김정회 교수
5. 비고 : 학.대학원 상호인정
6. Summary
Application of cell physiology and engineering principles to bio
technology process of practical importance to exploit the
activity of cells at maximum. Selected topics will include renew
able resources, metabolic engineering related to primary and
secondary metabolites and other biologically active substances,
and biotransformation. In addition, selected current topics will
be introduced and discussed in viewpoint of biotechnological
processes. Students are required to present a term paper