공지 |
[학위수여식] 2025년도 2월 학위수여식 안내 2025 Commencement Ceremony
생명과학과 | 2024.12.10 | 504 |
공지 |
[KAIST 생명과학과] 2025학년도 봄학기 입학 대학원 입시설명회 안내: 6월 21일(금) 오후 2시 ~
생명과학과 | 2024.06.11 | 3323 |
공지 |
[안내] Post-doc 공고 게시물은 Recruiting 게시판으로 이전되었습니다.
생명과학과 | 2023.12.06 | 2265 |
공지 |
생명과학과 2021년 학과설명회 동영상
생명과학과 | 2021.11.25 | 4939 |
공지 |
Revised (2023-09-27) :생명과학과 박사학위논문계획서 및 자격시험 가이드 라인 ( Ph.D. Thesis Proposal and Qualifying Examination Guidlines)
생명과학과 | 2021.05.13 | 5730 |
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LG생명과학 기술연구원 R&D 소개 및 채용설명회 8/30(화) 14:00 / Introduction and Recruitment fair for R&D technology institute of LG Life science
생명과학과 | 2016.08.11 | 9863 |
203 |
Multiple postdoctoral positions in Mayo Clinc College of Medicine, FLORIDA
생명과학과 | 2016.08.05 | 9895 |
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Open PhD position in Chromatin and Cancer Research
생명과학과 | 2016.03.25 | 9615 |
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Open Postdoctoral Fellow in The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
생명과학과 | 2016.07.06 | 10931 |
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Opening for a Post-Doctoral Researcher – Training in Mechanobiology and Cancer Signaling at the Center of Research Excellence in Mechanobiology in Singapore
생명과학과 | 2017.02.09 | 9857 |
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Orum therapeutic 항체 신약 연구원 공채
생명과학과 | 2018.02.08 | 10313 |
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Ph.D. Thesis Proposal 실시 안내 / 박사과정 입학 후 또는 박사과정 인정시점 1년 이내 완료하여야 함
생명과학과 | 2017.06.28 | 56566 |
197 |
Position: Bioinformatician Postdoctoral Fellow position is available at the Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School.
생명과학과 | 2016.12.23 | 9223 |
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Position: Molecular Postdoctoral Fellow position is available at the Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School.
생명과학과 | 2016.12.23 | 9298 |
195 |
Positions available in Byun Laboratory Immunology Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York City
생명과학과 | 2016.12.14 | 11327 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - Oregon Health & Science University
생명과학과 | 2018.12.18 | 5861 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - UC Irvine, Gina Lee Lab (RNA Metabolism)
생명과학과 | 2020.03.29 | 3711 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - UC Irvine, Jang Lab (Nutrient Metabolism)
생명과학과 | 2020.03.30 | 3160 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - University of Michigan Medical School
생명과학과 | 2020.04.02 | 2536 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - USC (Jae Jung's Laboratory)
생명과학과 | 2020.05.15 | 2732 |
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Post-Doc 채용 공고 - Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
생명과학과 | 2019.10.07 | 4215 |
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Post-Doctoral position on mycobacterial pathogenicity at IPBS - Toulouse(France)
생명과학과 | 2017.01.10 | 9369 |
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Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Neurobiology of Autism at the University of Texas Health
생명과학과 | 2019.01.29 | 6248 |
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Postdoctoral Position in Cancer Bology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory(CSHL)
생명과학과 | 2016.07.12 | 9171 |
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Postdoctoral position in Synapse Biology(The Lee Lab at the Medical College of Wisconsin)
생명과학과 | 2019.12.11 | 3788 |