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Postdoctoral positions available in nutrient metabolism lab

Cholsoon Jang’s lab at University of California in Irvine is looking for postdoctoral candidates who are interested in study nutrient metabolism. We use metabolomics and isotope tracing using LC-MS in disease model animals (mice, rats and pigs) and human patients to understand relationships between dietary nutrients, organ-organ interaction, and microbiome in diseases (diabetes, fatty liver, cancer, inflammatory and immune disease). 
Candidates are expected to have one of the below expertise:
1. Mammalian patho-physiology or genetics with animal work experiences.
2. Analytical chemistry, with skills for developing new methods and analyzing data. Experience operating LC-MS. The instrument in the lab is highresolution/high-sensitivity Q Orbitrap Exactive Plus (Thermo). Candidates who have experiences in handling other instruments are also welcome to apply.
3. Computational biology, bioinformatics or biophysics background with coding skills (e.g., R, MATLAB)

Please send choljang@uci.edu for any questions with your CV/resume containing contact information of three references.

Website: http://sites.uci.edu/janglab
1. Jang C*, Oh SF*, Wada S, Rowe GC, Liu L, et al. (2016) A branched chain amino acid metabolite drives vascular fatty acid transport and  insulin resistance. Nat. Med. 22:421-6. *equal contribution.
2. Jang C, Hui S, Lu W, Cowan AJ, Morscher RJ, et al. (2018) The small intestine converts dietary fructose into glucose and organic acids. Cell Metab. 27:351-361. 
3. Jang C, Li C, Rabinowitz JD. (2018) Metabolomics and isotope tracing. Cell 173:822-837. (Review)
4. Neinast M*, Jang C*, Hui S, Murashige DS, Chu Q, et al. (2019). Quantitative analysis of the wholebody metabolic fate of branched-chain amino acids. Cell Metab. 29:417-429. *equal contribution.
5. Jang C, Hui S, Zeng X, Cowan AJ, Wang L, et al. (2019). Metabolite exchange between mammalian organs quantified in pigs. Cell Metab. 30:596-606.
6. Zhao S*, Jang C*, Liu J, Uehara K, Gilbert M, et al. (2020). Dietary fructose feeds hepatic lipogenesis via microbiome-derived acetate. Nature *equal contribution. 

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