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  • Opening for a Post-Doctoral Researcher – Training in Mechanobiology and Cancer Signaling at the Center of Research Excellence in Mechanobiology in Singapore



    A post-doctoral position is available within the National University of Singapore for 3 years with a generous salary and benefits, starting immediately. We search for a highly motivated candidate who has a strong background in the analysis of gene transcription by CHIP assays, epigenetic signatures and also who has an experience with the analysis and micro and/or long non-coding RNAs.  The main focus of the grant-funded project is to characterize genes that are regulated by YAP and TAZ transcriptional co-factors.


    Please send a short cover letter stating research experience and interests, curriculum vitae, and the names and addresses of 3 references to Marius Sudol, Ph.D. (email: mbims@nus.edu.sg).

    Preference will be given to PhDs who have just graduated or received their PhD degree in the past two years.

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