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박사 프로포잘 및 자격시험 심사 안내

   (Notice for Ph.D Thesis Proposal and Qualifying Examination)


[※ 박사과정 입학 후 또는 박사과정 인정시점 1년 이내 완료하여야 함]

[※ Ph.D. Students must complete thesis proposal and qualifying examination within a year] 

[※ Master & Ph.D. combined Students must complete within a year once they start Ph.D.



박사과정 입학 후 또는 박사과정 인정시점 1년 이내 학생은 다음학기 개강 전까지 심사를 완료하여 주시기 바랍니다. 

박사학위논문 심사위원 위촉 요청서를 심사 15일전에 학과 사무실에 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.


논문심사 15일 전에 학과사무실에 제출

  - 박사학위논문 심사위원 위촉 요청서 (Request for Appointment of Examination Committee on Ph.D. Dissertation)

    출력방법 : 포탈-학사-졸업관리시스템-학위논문관리에서 심사위원 입력 후 출력, 지도교수님 사인 후  학과 사무실에 제출


논문심사일에 필요한 서류 (심사후 학과사무실에 제출)

   - 박사학위논문계획서 심사결과 보고서 (Report on Evaluation of Proposal for Ph.D. Dissertation)

     출력방법 :  포탈-학사-졸업관리시스템-학위논문관리-논문계획서/구두시험에서 출력 


   - 학위논문계획서 심사표 5부(첨부양식)




Ph.D. Students must complete the examination before the start of next semester.


Please submit the document (Request for Appointment of Examination Committee on Ph.D. Dissertation) to the

department office 15days before the examination.


▶Submit the document(Request for Appointment of Examination Committee on Ph.D. Dissertation) to the

department office (15 days before the examination)     
  *How to print

   1) Login the KAIST Portal System

   2) go to the Academic System > graduation system > thesis management > put committee members > print

   3) get advisor professor's signature then submit it to the department office. 


▶Necessary Documents for examination (submit it to the department office after examination)

   1. Report on Evaluation of Proposal for Ph.D. Dissertation

      *How to print 

       1) Login the KAIST Portal System

      2) go to the Academic System > graduation system > thesis management > thesis proposal/oral examination > print


   2. 5 copies of  Ph.D. Thesis Proposal Review Criteria (attachment)  



1. 박사학위논문계획서 및 자격시험 가이드 라인 (Ph.D. Thesis Proposal and Qualifying Examination Guideline)
2. 학위논문계획서 심사표 (Ph.D. Thesis Proposal Review Criteria (*3:middle)

3. 미국 NIH 프로포잘 샘플 Example




박이화 드림.



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