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안녕하세요, 생명과학과 대학원생 및 박사님 여러분


박사후연구원 홍보를 아래와 같이 안내하여 드립니다.


1. 책임연구자: Tae-In Kam, Ph.D. 


2. 소속Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine


3. 연구주제 키워드: Alzeheimer's or Parkinson's disease, Immune system on neurodegeneration, a-synuclein strains, prion-like cell-to-cell communication


4. 연락처tkam1@jhmi.edu



자세한 내용은 첨부된 홍보문을 참고하시기 바라며 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.




Dear graduate students and post-docs,


This is to notify you of the announcement for post-doc positions available at Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine


If you are interested, please refer to the information below.


1. PI or ProfessorTae-In Kam, Ph.D.


2. AffiliationJohns Hopkins University, School of Medicine


3. Research Topic KeywordsAlzeheimer's or Parkinson's disease, Immune system on neurodegeneration, a-synuclein strains, prion-like cell-to-cell communication


4. Contacttkam1@jhmi.edu


For more details, please refer to the attached file.


I hope you find this informative.


List of Articles
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