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Thao Phuong Lee 박사과정 학생, 최광욱 교수 Nature Communications 게재(2016.05)


14-3-3 proteins regulate Tctp-Rheb interaction for organ growth in Drosophila.

Le TP1, Vuong LT1, Kim AR1, Hsu YC2, Choi KW1.

We provide evidence that 14-3-3 proteins regulate

two components of Tor signalling, translationally controlled tumour protein (Tctp) and Rheb GTPase.

14-3-3 proteins physically and genetically interact with Tctp and Rheb. Knockdown of both 14-3-3 isoforms abolishes the binding between Tctp and Rheb, disrupting organ development. Depletion of 14-3-3s also reduces the level of phosphorylated S6 kinase, phosphorylated Thor/4E-BP and cyclin E (CycE). Growth defects from knockdown of 14-3-3 and Tctp are suppressed by CycE overexpression. This study suggests a novel mechanism of Tor regulation mediated by 14-3-3 interaction with Tctp and Rheb.

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