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Relationships between adipocytes, vasculature, and LYVE-1+ macrophage distribution. Whole-mounted tip region of epididymal adipose tissue from 8-week-old mice is visualized by fluorescent immunostainings of perilipin (for adipocytes, red), PECAM-1 (for blood vasculature, green) and LYVE-1 (for macrophages, blue), and merged. A characteristic dense vascular network is present in the tip region, where large numbers of LYVE-1+ macrophages are present.

Cho CH, Jun Koh Y, Han J, Sung HK, Jong Lee H, Morisada T, Schwendener RA, Brekken RA, Kang G, Oike Y, Choi TS, Suda T, Yoo OJ, Koh GY (2007) Angiogenic Role of LYVE-1-positive Macrophages in Adipose Tissue. Circulation Research, 100, e47

관련홈페이지 주소 : http://circres.ahajournals.org/content/vol100/issue4/

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번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
349 김진우 교수, 김남석 박사 eLife지 논문 발표 (2014. 9) 과사무실 2014.09.11 14520
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