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Choi EB, Yang AY, Kim SC, Lee J, Choi JK, Choi C, Kim MY. PARP1 enhances lung adenocarcinoma metastasis by novel mechanisms independent of DNA repair. (2016)


PARP1의 폐 선암 전이 촉진 기능 규명


본 연구에서는 기존에 잘 알려져 있던 PARP1DNA 손상 회복 (DNA damage repair) 역할과는 독립적으로, PARP1 S100A4CLDN7의 전사 (transcription)를 조절함으로 폐 선암 전이를 촉진함을 밝혔다.

Eun-Bee Choi, a Ph.D candidate in Prof. Mi-Young Kim’s lab published a paper in Oncogene (2016. 02). 

Choi EB, Yang AY, Kim SC, Lee J, Choi JK, Choi C, Kim MY. PARP1 enhances lung adenocarcinoma metastasis by novel mechanisms independent of DNA repair. (2016) 

PARP1 enhances lung adenocarcinoma metastasis by novel mechanisms independent of DNA repair.


This paper elucidated the pro-metastatic functions of PARP1 in lung adenocarcinoma metastasis independent of DNA repair through the PARP1-mediated transcriptional upregulation of S100A4 and CLDN7. These results not only uncover a novel mechanism by which PARP1 promotes lung adenocarcinoma metastasis but also suggest the potential for use of PARP1 inhibitors as anti-metastatic therapeutic drugs for lung adenocarcinoma patients.

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