*첨부: CV, Abstract
Special (비정기세미나)
2024.10.23 13:38
24.10.23(수) 15:00 / Hun-Goo Lee, Ph.D. / Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
조회 수 159
댓글 0
장소 | 자연과학동 노운세미나실 (E6-3, 2203호) |
일시 | 2024.10.23(수) 15:00~ |
연제 | Tackling the Cause of Fragile X Syndrome (Autism) by R-loop Mediated Epigenetic Mechanisms on Repeats |
연사 | Hun-Goo Lee, Ph.D. / Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine |
문의 | 생명과학과 김현우 교수 (T.7926) |