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대학원생, 고학년 학부생을 주 대상으로 한 유전학 서적 (제목: Genetic Studies in Model Organisms: From Classical to Modern Genetics, 생명과학과 최광욱 명예교수 저)을 소개합니다 (2024년 5월 Springer 출판사, ISBN 9789819708307, 470 페이지). 
책의 내용은 아래 초록에 기술된 바와 같습니다. 세부 목차 등 상세한 내용은 Springerlink (https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-981-97-0830-7)에서 볼 수 있습니다. 카이스트 구성원은 이 사이트에서 책의 PDF 버전을 내려받을 수 있습니다 (내려받기에 문제가 있으면 연락바랍니다). 관심있는 생명과학과 학생들의 유전학 공부에 참고가 되길 바랍니다.
문의: 최광욱 교수 kchoi100@kaist.ac.kr
Genetic Studies in Model Organisms
Summary: This book reviews key advances and new fundamentals in genetics. The increasing importance of genetic approaches in diverse areas of biology and medical sciences constantly requires in-depth information on genetic discoveries and research strategies for advanced graduate-level students as well as current researchers. This book focuses on genetic studies of various animal model systems and their major contributions to establishing modern genetics. Information covered in this book is mostly based on original research papers that extend from classical to modern genetics and applications. The contents are organized into four parts. Part I introduces fundamental concepts and experimental strategies in classical genetics. Part II discusses molecular genetics with transposons, transgenesis, clonal analysis, and gene editing technologies. Part III emphasizes epigenetic regulation of genome organization and gene expression. Part IV integrates earlier parts with landmark genetic studies on non-coding RNAs in dosage compensation, programmed cell death, growth control related to cancer, and behavioral neurobiology.

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