1. 관련: 교학기획팀-310(2020.02.29)
2. 위와 관련하여, 2020학년도 봄학기 개강연기에 따라 2020학년도 학사력을 아래와 같이 변경·시행코자 합니다.
- 아 래 -
가. 전체 캠퍼스 주요 변경 일정
1) 2020학년도 봄학기 개강: 2020.03.16.(월)
2) 2020학년도 봄학기 종강: 2020.07.03.(금)
3) 2020학년도 여름학기 개강: 2020.07.06.(월)
4) 2020학년도 여름학기 종강: 2020.08.21.(금)
나. 변경사유
- 봄학기 개강연기에 따라 안정적인 학사운영을 위하여 봄학기 종강일 및 세부 학사일정을 조정함.
붙임. 2020학년도 변경 학사력 1부. 끝.
1. References: Academic Planning Team-310(2020.02.29)
2. Please be advised that the 2020 academic calendar has been changed as follows due to postponement of the beginning of Spring 2020 classes to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection.
- Details -
A. Changes of major schedules for all campuses
1. Beginning of Spring 2020 classes: Monday, Mar 16th, 2020
2. End of Spring 2020 classes: Friday, July 3rd, 2020
3. Beginning of Summer 2020 classes: Monday, July 6th, 2020
3. End of Spring 2020 classes: Friday, Aug 21st, 2020
B. Reason for changes
- To change the date of the end of Spring 2020 classes and subsequent schedules following postponement of the beginning of Spring 2020 classes to ensure stable operations of academic affairs.
Attachment. Amended 2020 Academic Calendar. End.
(In the event of misinterpretation arising from cultural differenceds, the original text in Korean shall take predence over the English translation)