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사업 홈페이지 게시판/공지사항에 자세한 안내 및 관련 자료(사업안내집, 신청서 양식 등)가 올려져 있습니다.

Notification for application of 2016 Brain Pool project (Invitation of abroad excellent scientist)

Brain Pool project which is hosted by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies is the project for inviting foreign scientist to utilize the scientist in domestic research and development field of university, institute, and company. The deadline for application of project is Jan 18, 2016.

>Target field

  -All national strategy development field of science and technology (Basic science, mechanics/materials/aerospace field, Electric/Electronic/IT field, Biochemical engineering field, Resource/marine/environment/construction field, Energy field, Science and technology policy field and Other science field)

>Target nations

  - All countries

>Qualifications for invited scientist

  - Foreign or overseas Korean scientists who passes five years after PhD degree. (In the case of invitation from the institute of company, PhD degree is not prerequisite)

>Period for invitation

  - Six to twelve months (Three to twelve months is applicable in industry field)

>Target institution

  - Government funded research center located in Korea, National or public research institute, University, Research center of company, and research institute of non-profit foundation.

** The application is online application which required to log-in with ID of primary investigator in webpage, www.ultari.org.

The Chairman of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies

List of Articles
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320 홈페이지 리뉴얼 & 이전 공지사항 과사무실 2003.09.07 12328
319 석,박사과정(통합과정 포함) 재학년한 연장신청 안내 Application for Extension of Prescribed Time Limit for Graduate Students (Including Integrated MS-PhD) file 생명과학과 2016.05.16 12285
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