KAIST 생명과학과동창회
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2018년 8월 졸업예정자는 아래와 같이 졸업정산보고서를 제출하여 주시기 바랍니다.


□ 제출방법 KAIST Portal 인증 → 학사시스템 → 졸업관리시스템 → 졸업정산보고서 작성

□ 제출기한 2018년 7월 17()까지

□ 처리절차 졸업정산보고서 작성(졸업예정자→ 각 정산대상 부서에서 정산 승인 처리 → 지도교수 승인 → 학과장 최종승인

□ 졸업정산보고서 작성 시 유의사항

1) 인적사항(E-mail) : 카이스트 이메일 외 학생 본인의 외부 이메일 입력

2) 진로현황 진로구분(진학취업기타선택 후 해당 항목을 모두 입력

3) 졸업식 참석여부 졸업식(2019년 2월 15참석여부 입력

※ 2018년 8월 졸업예정자의 졸업식 참석여부는 2018년 가을학기 종강일 이후 (2018년 12~2019

1월 예정최종 확인 예정 (추후 세부사항은 졸업정산보고서에 기재된 연락처이메일으로 안내 예정)


□ 각 정산대상별 처리부서 및 처리절차 안내







내선 4472 / 이경찬

내선 4473 / 전남향

연구노트 시스템 연동



내선 2225 / 홍창수

내선 2239 / 황미경

도서관 시스템 연동

※ 미확인은 도서관 대출실에 문의



각 학과사무실

위험물 및 실험장비 청산보고서(붙임 참조서면작성 및 지도교수 확인 → 학과사무실 제출 → 학과 승인

※ 위험물 미대상자는 소속 학과사무실에 문의



내선 8000 / 변은옥

내선 2345 / 강귀연

차량비표 발급자안전팀에 차량비표 직접 반납 후 승인

차량비표 미발급자안전팀에서 승인



내선 1421 / 진영철

예비군대대에서 직접 승인



내선 0501 /장희경

진료비 미납 확인 후 클리닉에서 직접 승인

※ 진료비 미납자에 한해 개별 연락


※ 연구노트 제출과 관련해서는 아래 사항을 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.


□ 연구노트 제출관련 안내

▷ 제출 대상 국가연구개발과제 참여연구원

▷ 제출 방법 본인이 참여한 모든 과제의 연구노트를 ELN(https://eln.kaist.ac.kr)을 통해 제출

1) 서면연구노트 전자연구노트시스템 → 서면연구노트 제출비치인계외부반출 신청 

연구책임자 승인 → 연구노트관리부서(학술정보개발팀)에 제출

※ 서면연구노트 등록을 하지 않은 경우 먼저 등록 후 신청

2) 전자연구노트 전자연구노트시스템 → 전자파일 등록 → 보존활용

(시점인증은 선택사항 이며 연구책임자 승인 필요)

3) 미제출사유서 전자연구노트시스템 → 미제출사유서 신청 → 연구책임자 승인

※ 미제출사유서의 경우 행정지원인력연구지원인력 등 타당한 경우만 작성 요함

▷ 연구노트 관련 문의 내선 4472(학술정보개발팀 이경찬), 내선 4473(학술정보개발팀 전남향)

Students who are expecting to graduate in Aug. 2018 are requested to submit the final graduation report as follows :


  □ How to submit : KAIST Portal log-in → Academic system → Graduation management system

                            → Completion of the final graduation report

  □ Deadline for submission July 17 (Tue), 2018

  □ Process to handle the final graduation report : Completion of the final graduation report (prospective graduate) → Approval by responsible departments → Approval by advisor → Approval by the department head

# Prospective graduates : Required to register the final graduation report

    # Departments responsible for respective administrative items to be settled

# Advisor : Approval process by advisor

    # Department head : Final approval process by the department head

□ Instructions for submission of the final graduation report

1) E-mail address in personnel information : Please enter an external e-mail address other than KAIST e-mail address.

2) Career status : After choosing a career path (getting a job, pursuing a postgraduate study, etc.), please enter all the relevant items.

3) Attendance in KAIST commencement ceremony : Please check whether to attend the commencement ceremony(Feb. 15 2019) or not.


※ For students who will graduate in August 2018, we will confirm again whether to attend the commencement ceremony or not between December 2018 and January 2019.

(We will provide detailed information via students’ phone numbers and e-mail addresses registered in the final graduation report.)


□ Departments in charge of respective administrative items to be settled and processing procedure





Processing procedure

Research notebook

Academic Information

Development Team

#4472 / Kyungchan Lee

#4473 / Namhyang Jeon

 Interoperable with research notebook system

Return books

Academic Information

Management Team

#2225/ Changsoo Hong

#2239 / Mikyung Hwang

 Interoperable with library system

 ※ Inquiries: Circulation desk of library

Approval of dangerous goods

Department office (administration team) of the academic department

Department office (administration team) of the academic department

 Graduation management system registration → Completion of the final statement for hazardous substances and experiment equipment (refer to the attachment) and confirmation of advisor → Submission to the department office (administration team) of the academic department of your department → Approval by your academic department

※ Students who do not need to get approval are advised to notify the administration team or department office of the academic department.


Safety &Security


#8000 / Eunok Byun

#2345 / Gwiyeon Kang

 Those who have been issued a vehicle registration card are required to return the card to the Safety and Security Team firsthand (those who have not been issued will be processed as approved.) → The Safety and Security Team will grant approval after confirming return.

Reserve Forces

Reserve Battalion

#1421 / Youngchul Jin

 The Reserve Battalion will grant approval firsthand.


Operation Team of KAIST Clinic

#0501 / Heekyung Jang

 The Clinic will grant approval firsthand.

※ The Clinic will contact the students who have not paid fees individually.

 ※ With regard to submission of research notebook, please refer to the instructions concerning submission of research notebook


□ Instructions for submission of research notebook

        ▷ Prospective graduates required to submit research notebook : Those who have participated in national R&D projects

        ▷ How to submit : Please submit the research notebooks of all the projects in which you have participated at ELN(https://eln.kaist.ac.kr)

          1) Written research notebook : Electronic research notebook systemRequest for submission / retention/ handover / takeout outside of written research Approval by principal investigatorSubmit to the department responsible for research notebook (Academic Information Development Team)

            ※ In the event of failing to register written research notebook, please register first.

          2) Electronic research notebook : Electronic research notebook systemRegistration of electronic file → PreservationUtilization

(point authentication is optional; required to be approved by principal investigator)

          3) Statement of reason for non-submission : Electronic research notebook system → Application for statement of reason for non-submission → Approval by principal investigator

            ※ Submission of statement of reason for non-submission is allowed for reasonable cases only such as administrative support personnel and research support personnel. 

        ▷ Inquiry concerning research notebook : Extension 4472 (Kyungchan Lee, Academic Information  Development Team), Extension 4473 (Namhyang Jeon, Academic Information  Development Team)

List of Articles
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