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Optogenetic toolkit reveals the role of Ca2+ sparklets in coordinated cell migration.



In this article, we present a pioneering experimental approach for studying cell migration and more broadly establish representative guidelines for applying an optogenetic approach in biological studies. Using recently developed optogenetic tools, we identified local Ca2+ influx as a major source of Ca2+ for gradient formation and established the functional importance of polarized chemistry in highly coordinated cell migration. These findings provide strong evidence for a mechanism that addresses fundamental questions about front–rear Ca2+ gradients in migrating cells and suggest a previously unidentified role of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in the directional migration of nonexcitable cells.

List of Articles
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
241 김학성 교수, 류이슬 박사 Angewandte Chemie 논문 발표(2014.11) 과사무실 2014.11.27 13285
240 김학성 교수, PNAS 게재 (2013.6) 과사무실 2013.06.20 12293
239 김학성 교수, Nature Communications 게재 (2014. 4) 과사무실 2014.04.24 13746
238 김학성 교수, Nat. Chem. Biol. 게재 (2013.3) 과사무실 2013.03.22 12835
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224 김진우 교수, EMBO Journal 에 논문 게재 (2012.2.15) 과사무실 2012.02.16 12842
223 김진우 교수 경력개발상 수상 과사무실 2007.04.10 15153
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